Our third “E” stands
for “Equip Disciple-makers”. We believe
Jesus has asked every one of His followers to not only be disciples, but to
make them as well. One of the jobs of a
local church is to equip God’s people for this important work of disciple-making. Here at New River, we have developed a
disciple track that includes an introduction called “New Friends Lunch”; Life
Groups; Leadership cohort; Ministry Teams; and a set of classes that we cycle
through every year called “Foundations”.
In these classes we cover four areas of life where our faith gets lived
out. These four areas also are where
many folks get tripped up, which is why we repeat them annually. These four classes are: Marriage; Family;
Finances; and, Theology.
This Winter - Spring 2025, we focus on Theology and this
year Pastors Robin and Doug are each teaching a class! You can sign up for both of them or just one
of them. These classes are intended to
expand your knowledge of the Bible, equipping you to better understand and
apply it to your life